Saturday, April 30, 2011

On the Road

Nothing exciting to report today.  Just lots of driving.  I'm reduced once again to pictures of state signs as I cross over. 

And the occasional interesting thing (only in Texas...this guy had these giant guns in his front yard with the cows).  At least the weather isn't very hot.  In the high 60's so it has been comfortable.  And I have a good audio book to help pass the time.

What I've seen of the Texas panhandle is what I thought the whole state looked like before I saw the southern part.  Flat, full of farms and ranches, mostly brown, and boring.  And windy again.

Once I got into New Mexico, the landscape started to get more interesting anyway.  Tomorrow I will head to the petrified forest, after lots more driving.  This is not the fun part of the trip.  But, I'm getting excited to get home again now that it is getting closer.  Should be back in a couple days!!  Feels like I've been gone a long time. 

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