Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Great Smokey Mountains

4/25  This morning the fog was heavy over the mountains, so we took our time getting started.  Did a bit of cleaning up.  That will be one good thing about getting home.  Getting cleaned up.  The truck and trailer and us are getting a bit the worse for wear.  Everything needs a good cleaning.

The weather was nice (warm, not hot) again, but with threatening clouds and occasional sprinkles.  I finished the Blue Ridge Parkway.  Kind of sad to see it end.  I dragged it out as long as possible by stopping in every pullout.  There were a lot.  Ran into some nice people at a couple of them.  Tonight we are in the beginning of the Great Smokey Mountains in a campground. 

A lot of people ask me how it is to travel alone.  I don't feel alone, I have Cash.  He is more company than you can imagine.  I have long conversations with him and we discuss what we are going to do for the day.  He never disagrees with me, or argues, or gets grumpy.  The ideal, of course, would be to have a soul mate to travel with who loves to do everything you do.  But that isn't always possible.  So it's better to go alone than not go at all.  But I wouldn't want to do it all alone...without Cash.  He is also the main reason I get into conversations with so many people.  He breaks the ice.  There are some things I haven't done, like eating in restaurants rather than tv dinners in the trailer, that are better done with someone.  It can be harder to get yourself to do some things alone.  It's easier if there is someone there to give you a push.  On the other hand, I've been able to pull over and stop at will, do exactly what I want, when I want, and best of all, I've met and talked with a lot more people than I ever would have if I had been traveling with someone.  I have to admit, before I left I wasn't sure how it would work out and I was nervous about the whole thing, but It's turned out to be a good trip.   I wish there was a way to stay on the road, and at the same time, be at home too.  I enjoy both.  I want it all.

4/26    There was a pretty good rainstorm overnight, but it had stopped by the time we got up.  As we started up the road into the Great Smokey Mountains, the fog rolled in.  Got one picture before visibility tuned to zero.  Following the road down again, it cleared up and we took one last hike on a dog friendly trail near the end of the park.  The road was beautiful and the wild flowers were out in force.  But the wind was also forceful.  There is a big storm coming and this was the beginning of it.

The Great Smokey Mountains
I was loving the whole drive, when all of a sudden, I got tired of it.  I was ready to head home.  So we did.

I  feel like the best part of the trip is over.  There will be long stretches of driving from here to home.  I made it to Nashville after a prettier drive than I expected.  By all reports, the impending storm is a big one.  Lightening, flood watches and tornado warnings.  The worst of the storm is coming in the middle of the night and the local radio station I was listening to, recommeded sleeping in the storm cellar, or bathtub but at least be sure and be in a sturdy building.  I decided it was probably smarter for me to get a hotel room than stay in the little, flimsy trailer.  So I did.  Now I'm wondering if I would have been safer in the trailer.  There are some strange types hanging around here.  Wonder what tomorrow will bring?

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