Friday, April 1, 2011

Key West

As I was getting ready to post this, I saw online that there was really bad weather in the St. Petersburg, Tampa, Clearwater area today.  So maybe it was a good thing I didn't hang around for the everglades.  Looks like my luck may have improved. Maybe I won't complain so much about the heat.  It could be worse. 

One of many by accident
One of the few from the many
I went snorkeling this morning before leaving the campground.  The seas were still pretty rough, but the visibility was good. There were all kinds of fish, coral and lots of conch.  I even got to chase down a spotted eagle ray.  They are huge and so graceful.  I tried to use my GoPro camera in the water, but didn't do a very good job of the stills, and I can't get my computer to read the movies, so I'll have to edit them on my Mac when I can get back.

Doesn't do the color justice.
The drive down the keys wasn't what I expected.  Somehow, nothing ever seems to be like what you expect.  There was an image in my head about the highway down even though I never consciously thought about it.  There was more land, traffic and lots of businesses.  I think I thought the bridge would be more of a floating kind and much longer.  But it was a pretty drive.  And the water is such a gorgeous color.  I hope to check out more of the parks on the way back up.

Pulled into Boyd's campground today.  Pretty expensive, but everything is down here.  Looking forward to exploring the town tomorrow.

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