Saturday, April 16, 2011

Just Missed the Cherry Blossoms

4-15   This morning, we took the drive back to historic Jamestown.  It had closed by the time I got there the day before.  They did a wonderful job of making you feel what it must have been like for the original settlers.  That was the point of the Colonial Parkway drive to get there.  No sign of homes or businesses on the way to get you in the mood to appreciate what they went through.  We have some pretty tough ancestors. 

Pet Cemetery at Tyler's
Shirley Plantation

Then we took route 5 up to Fredricksburg.  There are several of the old plantations along that road that are open to the public.  Most of them are still privately owned.  Rather sad, I think, that they got to the point where they allow tourists to overrun their home during the daylight hours at $10 a pop.  I doubt if I'd want to do that.  Privacy means more to me.  I did get to see president John Tyler's grandson.  He was showing a bus of schoolkids through his home.

Stopped at the KOA in Fredricksburg and got laundry and various housekeeping chores caught up.  Then in the evening I went to a free concert at the rec room.  They had a 3 piece bluegrass group there playing the bass, autoharp and the guitar.  Only about a dozen people came, but it was fun.  A definite taste of the south again. 

4-16    Woke up to rain.  I figured since the weather was so bad, I should get my trailer tires fixed before I headed home.  Took several calls to find the right size.  Turns out, the tire guys think the axle is bent because all the wear was on the inside.  The inside was bald while the outside still had plenty of tread on them.  I'll need to take that up with the manufacturer when I get home.

Drove around the Fredericksburg battlefields, (in the rain) then headed on up to DC.  The traffic south out of  DC was unbelievable.  60 miles of stop and go.  On a Saturday afternoon.  Fortunately, I was going north. I have an almost perfect spot here at this campsite (Cherry Hill Park) with good reception, so I'll sit out the rain today and then spend a couple days here before starting homeward.  I think I'm ready.  I have been having mixed feelings about the trip lately.  I'm enjoying everything, but at the same time, I miss home, the comforts and friends. 

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