Thursday, April 14, 2011


Well...I said good-bye to the outer banks this morning.  I would like to come back here sometime and spend a bit of time.  Settle into the laid back mood of it.  As it is..I have places to go, things to see.

The first thing we saw today was at Kitty Hawk, the Wright Brothers memorial.  Pretty interesting, till the 5 bus loads of kids showed up.  Fortunately, we were almost done by then.  They have it marked out where the actual first flight was.  However, the hill where they practiced gliding, was moved!!  Seems it was sand based, and shifted over time, so they rebuilt the hill in it's original spot and stabilized it. And I thought they only did that to man-made things.

We drove on up through Virginia Beach.  Pretty beach with a wonderful walkway.  But I've done a bunch of beaches so far this trip, so we kept on moving.  The drive was wonderful.  It's such a pretty state and all the trees are getting their bright green new spring leaves and the dogwoods and azaleas were in bloom everywhere.

I got was going to drive straight through to DC, but got sidetracked. At the last minute, I took the road to  Yorktown and Jamestown.  Even though I'm not much of a history buff, I'm finding it fascinating to see the country where so much of our history began.  It will be a good base for DC where so much of our current history is being made.

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