Saturday, April 23, 2011

Still on the Parkway

These are just starting to bloom
It rained off and on all night, but had stopped by the time I got up around 6:30.  Since I was at the Dixie Caverns and a tour was only $7, I had to do it.  Turned out, I was the only one on the tour.  And guess what...the tour guide was on Spring Break.  His had just started (high school).  The tour was kind of fun, then we headed back to the Parkway at the same place we had gotten off the night before and took a short hike not too far down the road.

Today's section was different than the last couple days.  It runs along a community of farms.   There were nice ones, and not so nice ones.  Looked to be mostly hay and cows.  Very picturesque.  Also several houses tucked up into the woods.   It was a pretty drive still.  As long as there aren't any stores or signs, just lots of scenery, it's pretty.  The weather had cleared up and it turned into a nice day.....for awhile.

Then the fog came in.  Heavy.  By the time we got to what should have been the most picturesque view, according to the guide book,  the visibility was about 10 feet.  It was around 3:30 anyway, so we got off the parkway and within minutes found a wonderful KOA where we are spending the night.  And had another TV dinner for dinner.  That will be another nice thing about getting home,  real food. 

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