Saturday, April 23, 2011

Blue Ridge Day 3

4/22    We woke up to rain this morning.  It was kind enough to stop by the time I closed up the camper and we started on down the road.  But...we started a hike to the top of Sharp Top Mountain and the rain started again when we were half way up.  Fortunately, it was more like a drizzle and I had brought my raincoat. 

Part of the view from the top

The view at  the top was not what it could have been with all the clouds.  We started from those little buildings in the middle, by the lake .  All in all still a nice hike.

 It rained off and on all day.  Not enough to really mess things up.  But not too many pictures today.  We got off the parkway at Roanoke and found a campground for the night at the Dixie Caverns.  Ran into some examples of  "blue ridge mountain men" at the grocery.  Several were shopping there.  I chatted with a guy in line for a couple minutes who had the long beard, long hair, overalls, and heavy accent.  He was complaining that his kids wouldn't listen to him.  Reminded me again, we really are all alike and have the same problems.
Rain over the Blue Ridge Mountains

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