Saturday, April 9, 2011

Hilton Head to Charleston

This is the main business district.
The title pretty much sums up the day.  I said good bye (again) to Cara, and off Cash and I  went to check out Hilton Head Island.  What a place!  Talk about money.  It looked as if the whole island and the several miles before you got to the actual island, had been professionally landscaped.  I've never seen so many golf courses.  It was difficult to find a place to eat lunch.  I finally figure out the stores and restaurants were all hidden behind the trees lining the blvd. 
And the shopping mall

And the signs for the stores were very discrete.  Reminded me a bit of the Laguna Niguel area at home, only much more.  I noticed Del Web is setting up a new Sun City there to add to all the other retirement communities in the area.  Before we got to Hilton Head, I drove through several areas around Savannah besides the downtown district.  It's a very pretty city everywhere.  All those trees and a large variety of homes.  Some of the areas have new housing tracts like we do.  Kind of sad though.  They look so bare and are without the character of the older areas.

Then the heat got to me, not to mention Cash, and we just drove on into Charleston.  Set up camp around 4, took a shower, dinner, short walk and have been catching up on computer stuff.  The weather is much cooler here so I like it.  Should sleep good tonight.

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