Thursday, April 7, 2011

St. Augustine

We spent the morning like this
4/5      Got up this morning and decided to hang around Dayton Beach and let the storm pass.  It was kind of fun when it hit.  Lots of thunder, lighting and pouring rain.  We even had tornado alerts.  I spent most of the morning hunkered down in the trailer. 

When the rain lightened up, Cash and I took a drive around town.  With the bad weather, we had the town and beaches to ourselves.  Surprisingly, the surf looked better than I had seen it.   It's true here I guess that the wind and rain make for cleaner surf.  Trouble was, it was barely ankle  high.  My new friend and neighbor, Cara, had decided to stay also.  She had a lunch date with a friend from town.  Later in the afternoon, I had found out about a dog beach, so we took the dogs down for a good run.  Dinner and wine and hanging out finished off the night.

4/6      Since Cara and I were both heading to St Augustine, we agreed to meet up at the KOA there.  It's only an hour away, but I managed to wander around for a couple hours.  I took the A1A up with a couple side trips.  Again, beautiful, big homes along the way.  Very pretty, scenic drive with lots of trees draped with Spanish moss.  I also talked to a fisherman who gave me a lesson on the catching, handling, and sexing of blue crabs.  After we got the rigs set up, we left the dogs at home and headed into town and did the walk around the historic district.  I bought a couple souvenirs.  Then dinner again, more wine, and we built a fire.  It was a very pleasant day with wonderful weather.  It's not nearly as hot as it has been and the nights cool off nicely.  Sleeping has been much more comfortable. 

I'm off to Savannah and Cara is headed up that way but she is checking out the civil war sites, so our paths are no longer going the same way.  It's been fun though, and I'm sure once she gets back to LA will do lunch.

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