Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Sunday

Happy Easter.  As an example of some of the cute, funny things you see on the road, we went by this farm with this cute trailer set up on the hill for all to see.  Someone gets into the spirit of the season. 

Wild Turkey, bad picture. 
The road was almost empty in the morning.  I guess everyone was in church.  We had about an hour of driving with no one around, then there was a detour because of roadwork.  Well, me being me, I got lost.  Ended up going way too far east and it took over an hour to work our way back.  Interesting stuff on the way though.  I usually find things when I'm lost that make it a lot less painful. By the time we got back on the parkway, around 1:00, there were lots of people around.  It was a beautiful day and the locals came out to picnic and enjoy the day.  Lots of bicycles and motorcycles on the road too.

I found a nice, what I thought was short, hike.  Turned out I misread the sign and it was longer than I thought, but we found our way back thanks to help from some other people on the trail.  It wound through woods, along a stream then into a meadow before ending at a pond. 

When we got to the meadow, Cash found something to roll in.


This is the result. 

You can't tell too much from the picture, but it is very green.  Most likely....cow poop.  Thank heavens my olfactory sense sucks.  I ended up trying to wash him off in the pond, then at the stream and finally shampooed him on the side of the road with the little shower on the outside of the trailer.  I still had to wash the inside of his ears when we got to camp.  Fun stuff.

I ended up driving a bit farther than I planned.  It was such a pretty day and I wanted to see the sights in the nice afternoon sun.  The scenery was spectacular.  I wish I could do it justice. With all the stuff that went wrong, it still turned into a very nice day.

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