Monday, April 11, 2011

A Touch of the Old South in Charleston

Yesterday was a nice day.  The weather was much cooler.  In fact, the sun didn't come out till around 2 so it was almost cool enough to wear a sweater in the morning.  Very nice for a change and that also meant my energy level was up. 

Charleston street
Downtown home
So...we went to downtown Charleston early, before most of the tourists showed up.  Parking was easy and free since it was Sunday.  Lots of history and fancy old mansions downtown.  I was hoping to take the homes and gardens tour, but it was sold out for several days and I didn't want to go bad enough to hang around a couple extra days.  As much as I am enjoying the trip, home sounds pretty good too.  As fancy as the downtown is, I wandered around some of the streets off the main drag, and there was definably a lot less money.  I guess that's true of a lot of cities.  Look at LA.

We then headed to the Magnolia Plantation and Gardens.  I believe they said it was 500 some acres.  It was large and every bit was spectacularly landscaped.  Old grown too. Lots of photographers there.  I enjoyed chatting with several of them.   I even got a couple pictures I want to work on when I got home. They had a hedge maze like in those old movies and books.  Had to wander around in it. It's harder than you think to find your way to the middle. Fun though.
Plantation home

From there is was on to the Swamp Gardens, attached to the plantation, but with a separate fee.  Not as many pictures, but lots of herons nesting and a bunch of alligators.  One big guy was right off the path.  We were warned before getting to him, so Cash wasn't lunch.  A kid held Cash for me a safe distance away while I went up and took the gators picture. 

All in all a nice day. 

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