Saturday, April 9, 2011


Left the hotel this morning.  It seemed really strange not having to pack up the trailer.  I'm getting pretty darn good at backing that thing up by the way.  I've backed into a couple tight places with little problem.  I'm very proud of myself on that one. 

Here they call it marshland
Heading toward Savannah, I took the side roads to the side road.  There is a large diversity in housing styles in this part of the country.  Pure hovels next to some nice middle class homes with a few mansions thrown in here and there.  I want to check the housing around the Savannah area and see if the have any track type homes.  I was in the country mostly.

The plantation house
I stumbled on an old rice plantation that had been turned into a state park.  What a gorgeous place.  The grounds were amazing with huge old oak trees dripping with spanish moss.  The house itself wasn't as impossing as I would have thought, though for it's day it probably was.  Finally got some pictures to work on at home.

After that very pretty drive, I hooked up with Cara again at the KOA in Savannah.  I joined her downtown and we, including Cash, walked around for the afternoon.  Even went pee in the police station.  A beautiful city.  Not very crowded or touristy.  Everyone was moving slow since the heat showed up this afternoon.  Very much the picture I had in my head of the old south.

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