Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Still in Washington, DC

Annapolis harbor and downtown
What started out as an afterthought, has turned into one of my favorite places on this trip.  I keep going to the office and saying....one more day.  There is so much to see and do around here.  Like yesterday, I drove the 30 minutes to Annapolis.  My good friend, Don, graduated from there a few (maybe several) years ago and suggested I go visit it, since I was so close.  I took his advice and I'm very grateful I did.  It's not just the academy there, the whole town has that historic village feel to it.  I parked at the harbor, and Cash and I walked all over town from there.  Only got lost one time. 

Then I left him in the car and I went onto the Naval Academy grounds. Any one, with ID, is welcome to visit.  The grounds, buildings, midshipmen, atmosphere, everything about it is very impressive.  You can feel the tradition oozing out of every brick.

Today, I got brave enough to drive into town.  It was raining as we started out, but stopped during the time we were in town.  We went to Arlington National Cemetery.  Dogs are welcome there.  What a massive place.  I had no idea it was that big.  Rather pretty too, with a lot of trees in bloom.  Also impressive.  Everything about this town is impressive.  Makes you want to sing "My country 'tis of thee" all the time.  Or the "Star Spangled Banner."  But that's a good thing.  Got to see all the famous graves and caught the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. 

Preparing for a funeral

There was a funeral in progress in one of the areas, with the casket on a horse drawn carriage and the Washington monument in the background.  A rather moving sight.

My Garmin managed to get lost and took me through town almost the whole way back.  That was a good thing.  I got to see some of the residential parts of town.  I only went through one area that looked iffy.  The rest was very nice with brick, Georgian homes and flowering trees in every yard.  Narrow streets that aren't meant for that much traffic though.  I wouldn't want to have to commute there.

I've had a bit of down time to regroup and get ready for the trip home.  I have very mixed feelings about that.  A part of me wants to stay on the road, another wants to go home.  Since I have another week or two, I guess both sides will get what they want. 

1 comment:

  1. Great photo's...some day I hope to visit all of the same places!
