Saturday, April 2, 2011

Sunset in Key West

I got up early this morning and headed downtown to see what I could see before the sun got too hot, and the crowds too big.  But that didn't work.  It was very hot in the sun and there were two cruise ships in town so the streets were crawling with boat people.  We drove around a bit to get the lay of the land and walked around some after finding parking a long way from where I wanted it.  Found out about the festival in the evening for the sunset.  Turned out, because it was April Fool's, they were going to have a bigger than usual festival at sunset.  So we gave up for the morning and headed back to the air conditioned trailer to get some general housekeeping things done before heading back up the coast and reversing direction, heading home.

We went back downtown about 4:30 and it worked out wonderfully.  The crowds were gone, or at least a manageable size, and it was much cooler.  I even found parking with no problem near the waterfront.  We walked around some more;  had dinner in a neat little place on the harbor that let Cash come inside and eat.   I had a Cuban sandwich and my first piece of key lime pie.  Then we went to Mallory square where the festival was.  Lots of local craft people selling their wares and street performers.  The square was filled with locals and toursts alike.  The people were lined up along the seawall 4 deep to watch a most unspectacular sunset.  Lots of cheers as it finally went down.  I managed to get lost on the way back to the car, but eventually made it before my time ran out.  The town was coming alive by then with lots of drinking, music, bars, dancing.  It reminded of a tropical New Orleans.  I wouldn't have minded having a drink and listenting to the music a bit, but I didn't have time left on the meter. I had really fun evening anyway. 

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