Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Last Night

It was very windy all night again, and when we got ready to was snowing!!  Unbelievable.  I had to load up and set off in the snow.  Granted, it was just light flurries, but still.  Some of it did stick. And it continued to snow way past Albuquerque. 

That white stuff is snow
I was actually happy to see this one
We spent a lot of time on the road today.  It seems I'm in a hurry to get home. For some reason, when a trip is getting near the end, the urge to be home gets very strong.  Not to mention it was freezing and with a wind that went right through you.  We stopped at the Painted Desert/Petrified Forest.  We did what everyone else was to a lookout, get out and take a picture, fast, then get back in the car where it was warm and drive to the next lookout.  I had wanted to spend more time there, but with the urge to get home and the cold, I didn't stay very long.

The painted desert
How strange it feels...tonight is our last night on the road.  Fittingly, we stopped at a KOA. In some ways it feel like I haven't been home for a long time.  Though I guess two months is a pretty long time.  I"m having a last glass of wine to toast the trip.  And Cash is having a chew treat.   As happy as I will be to get home, I am sure going to miss this trailer and our travels.  It's been wonderful.  Better even than I had thought it might be.  All in all.   

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