Monday, March 21, 2011

Still in Mississippi

I so enjoyed the campsite I found yesterday at Davis Bayou in the Gulf Islands National Seashore that I decided to spend an extra day here.  It has it all.  Electric, water, internet access via my phone, privacy, large campsites, pretty setting, cheap ($8 a night  because I'm a senior citizen), toilets and showers.   The last of those I really needed.  What with the sweating from the warm, humid weather, and the bugs pray I have to keep on at all times.  Good thing I stuck around because I noticed Cash has gunk in his ear.  I took him to a local vet and he does have an ear infection.  Cockers are well know for them.  They cleaned him out and gave me some medicine.  There went an extra $82.  Made up for what I saved on the camping. 

Check out what you get for the price

After some routine household stuff and the vet visit, we took a drive inland looking for "normal" people.  What we found was a lot of very large houses on acreage.  We didn't get more than 20 miles inland, but that's still all we saw.  Kind of makes you want to live here, till you remember what the summers are like.  Then I decide my place in Seal is still my favorite spot. 

We got back early and took a long hike through the bayou area here, most of which was on the road and through some nature trails.  I am so excited!  I saw my first alligator!  They really do live around here.  Somehow, it all seemed like it was made up for the movies, like they weren't real.  But then I've seen so many interesting, funny, sad things around here that are just like all the cliche things you've ever heard about the south.  Cool to see they are real too.  I just hope I can remember enough of them.

 It's spring here and there are little white flowers everywhere along with the azaleas and wisteria.  The trees are starting to turn green again.  In a couple months the vines and moss will be everywhere.  Pretty place.

Bayou fishing

The way I spend my evenings depends on whether I have internet access or not.  What a slave to technology I've become.  If I have access, I do my blog while listening to the radio.  Smooth jazz.  Then I will catch up on some of my TV shows while I knit.  If I don't have access, I sort out my pictures and watch one of the movies Joan loaned me on that player I bought, and knit. Then I read till I fall asleep. Same as at home practically.  I was a bit concerned before leaving home how the evenings would go, but it's working out fine.  Thank god for technology!!

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