Wednesday, March 16, 2011

In Galveston

Before leaving the park, we took a nice hike through the woods by the campground.  I'm still blown away by how unlike my prior vision of Texas it is. 

Cash in his favorite spot in the backseat
We're working into a nice little routine.  I guess we need them no matter what.  There is comfort in routine.  Wake with the sun, make coffee, go pee, close up the trailer and head off.  Have lunch on the road:  the last couple days at good Texas bar-b-que places.  Enjoy the changing countryside.  Stop at interesting places, look for a place to spend the night, set up the trailer, eat dinner, walk, download pictures, do the blog, read and sleep.  If no internet, I watch a movie.  Different each day, but a lot the same.  No complaints so far. 

Drove straight through Houston.  Had to go through downtown.  Much like other large cities.  Heavy traffic, the stores are all the same as at home.  Drivers tend to be more polite though.  I'm more interested in the countrysides than the big cities anyway. 

Had time to take this on the freeway

I will have to go back that way to get out of here.  Here being Galveston.  I lucked out finding a place to stay tonight.  A nice man at an RV park let me park on his grass.  For a fee of course.  He didn't have any places left, but let me stay anyway.  Spring Break, remember?  I don't think I'll need to stay longer anyway.  I was hoping to surf, but there isn't any.  And the jellyfish are abundant.  They might be worse than stingrays.

By the way, the weather has been pleasanter.  Cloudy in the morning, burning off to sunny skies by noon.  Temps in the low 70's.  I've had on shorts and t-shirts most of the time.  Can you imagine what summer must be like?  I heard "brutal". 

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