Friday, March 11, 2011

East of El Paso

 I have a great connection tonight.  I even got to watch Survivor!  And I am listening to music on the radio (ITunes) while I write this.  And I finally figured out how to post pictures on this thing.  (See the last post.  I added a couple to it)  Not that I have any decent pictures to post.  The sky is a clear (boring) blue and everything I've seen in this desert looks the same.  No nice light or anything interesting.  So I've been taking pictures of the road signs to prove I've come this way.  Through Arizona, 

into New Mexico (really boring and redundant) 

and finally into Texas.  

I sure do hope El Paso doesn't represent Texas.  It was a lot bigger than I thought with a lot of traffic.  You can see Mexico to the right of the freeway and it looks like a sprawling, dusty, brown, dry, horrible place to live.  Needless to say, I didn't get off the freeway to check it out any further.  It could be a nice town.  After all, San Diego is also a border town and it is wonderful.

I pulled into a truck stop to spend the night.  Not too noisy and it's free.  They also have toilets, which come in handy, as well as food.  I will mostly drive for the next couple days till I get closer to San Antonio or Austin.  I might head up to Austin first and see what's there.  I just want to get through this desert stuff.  By the time this trip is over, I may never go to the desert again.  And there haven't been any wildflowers, or anything green.  Just dry and brown. Cash has been a trooper,  but he hates the heat too.  He's mostly been sleeping on the floor behind the front seat to avoid the sun.  He's none to anxious to get out and walk around either.  Seems to get stickers every time he does.  Did I mention I hate the desert?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mom, over here at Dana's house...showing her your blog! Dana wants to know if you liked seeing Russel break down and cry when he got voted off...haha! Love the pics and the posts...but can't wait to see some pics that aren't of dirt...ya know! Dana said that David Cassidy called and wants his shirt back (the one of you and Cash)...mean I know...LOL! Any who...we are a little tipsy as if you can't tell :) Will check back tomorrow!
