Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Big Easy

Small house with big flowers
For all the last couple days were not that great, today was just fun.  It was productive, fun, and restful all in the same day.  And the weather was great, if a bit warm.  Got things cleaned up this morning (me and the trailer and the laundry), then headed into town.  We got lost a good deal over the day, but what a great way to see the town.  I will say New Orleans seems to have the best of the best, and the worst of the worst.  Some of the areas were just georgeous with beautiful, large homes on tree lined streets with all the azaleas blooming and some of the areas were horrible with boarded up, trashed hovels.  I went into the hurricane damaged area a bit, but felt really uncomfortable. Like a voyeur, so I didn't stay long. 

Jambalaya...way better than I make
Cash and I had the best time in the French Quarter.  The tourists have come back in droves.  An awful lot of people for this time of year (or any time).  I found a dog friendly place to have lunch thanks to a local that stopped to talk.  A lot of people stopped to talk because of the dog.  I never knew so many had buff cockers at home.  He sure is a good conversation starter.  He was really good walking the streets too.  Good company. 

We (and a lot of others) had a seat  in the shade, on the steps of the courthouse to watch a street band play.  They had several pieces, a girl singer, and two dancers.  Cajun, jazz.  Great.  So even in the daytime, with the dog, I got to enjoy a piece of New Orleans.  That was just enough, actually.  At this stage of my life, I can't take all that heat, noise, and commotion for very long before I long for peace and quiet. Which I got back at camp.  The evening was mild and calm.  And I selpt better than I have so far on the trip.  All in all, a great day.

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