Saturday, March 19, 2011

Finally made it to Nawlins

Left Winnie behind and took a side trip down to Port Arthur and Sabine Pass.  Port Arthur is an oil refinery town.  Not much to say about it.  There is a nice state park and wildlife preserve down at the bottom though.  Took a nice long walk on the boardwalk and saw several birds we have at home as well as some we never see there. 

The roseate spoonbill gave me quite a thrill. I would have loved to have had a longer lens and more patience so I could try to get a better picture.  Between the sun and the dog, I got what I got.

Drove from there into Louisiana.  Finally out of Texas!  Stopped at the welcome center/rest stop right after the state line and it was one of the most beautiful rest stops I've seen.  It even had a lake.  Being way out of town,though, they must not have had any mosquito abatement.  Once again, the little buggers devoured me.  I guess that's what you get when you are out of the desert.  Be careful what you wish for.

I decided to go ahead make a run straight into New Orleans on the 10.  Big mistake.  The traffic was horrendous.  Worse than I've seen even in LA in a long time.  Stop and go for over 20 miles before, into and after Baton Rouge. By the time I arrived at the KOA campground in New Orleans, I really needed a glass of wine.  Fortunately, I had some nice neighbors, again, who were more than happy to share a glass with me.  These RV'ers do like their booze.  I had sprayed the trailer and surrounding area with some cedar stuff a friend had given me that kept away the mosquitoes, and we sat outside and enjoyed the wonderful night air with a glass (or two) of wine.

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