Monday, March 28, 2011

More Manatee!!

After a couple iffy days, and some encouraging words from a couple friends and family, I'm back to enjoying myself tremendously again.  I guess no matter what's going on in your life, you will have up days and down days.  I'm glad to be back in the up stage. 

Not our boat, but like it
I took the snorkel trip yesterday morning.  I had to leave Cash in the trailer at the park and, boy, did I feel guilty.  Not guilty enough to spoil the trip, however. It was a beautiful day again, but, there weren't many manatees to be seen.  In keeping with my timing, they had left to go to the gulf a couple weeks earlier.  I just missed them.  We still got in the water a few times and did get to see a couple where their noses broke water or there was a brown blob in the water.  There was a really nice couple from England on the boat, also.  We talked a lot about the differences in the two countries which helped pass some of the time when we didn't see anything.
The rest of the manatee

My first Flamingo
After the boat trip, I went back and got Cash (yes..of course he was fine)  and we headed down the road a bit to Homosassa Spring State Park.  It is a bit like a zoo where they rescue manatees and some of the other indigenous animals in the area.  So I finally got to see what a whole manatee looks like.  There was an underwater viewing room and I took this picture, only to realize later it was the kid from England that was on the snorkle trip.  I had to leave Cash in a kennel (really just a cage) at the park since the truck was too hot.  More guilt! But the fun I had made up for it.

Underwater manatee
Stayed in a KOA at St. Petersburg for the night.  At $80 a night!!  It's true I guess the farther south you go the more it costs.  Key west will be about the same price.  The good news, there is plenty of camp space available at Key West.  Spring break is over and some of the snow birds are leaving!!  Finally. 

We had quite a thunder storm in the night.  It was exciting.  A nice change and helped cool things off...for awhile.

I drove a few hours today after a leisurely morning doing laundry, showering and generally cleaning things up.  I always end up chatting with some of the people in the rv parks.  These snow birds are friendly people and it's nice to talk to someone for a bit.  Only one picture from today.  That is the giant statue of a couple kissing in the Sarasota marina. I believe it is from that famous picture from after the war. Quite a shock to see as you come around the corner. 

I and got to Sanibel Island around 3 and was hoping to stay a couple days, but didn't count on what it was like there.  Beautiful place, but very upscale touristy and crowded.  Again, there were some mansion sized homes on that island with amazing landscaping.  There seems to be a lot of money along the gulf.  And they didn't have anywhere on the island to stay in the trailer and nothing very near by.  So we drove around the island and got a good look at it at least.  No where to park either.  They charge for parking everywhere, if you can find a place with the trailer.  The best way to see the island is fly in, stay at one of the resorts for a few days.  Then it would be perfect getaway place.

Headed on down the road and found a place to stay finally.  Now, as I write this, the rain and wind has started again.  At least it waits till I'm in the trailer.  That was it just adds ambiance.  Off to the Everglades tomorrow.  Now that's exciting.


  1. Blog is coming along nice, love the pics and the short posts. Still not quite sure what the Mantee looks like, I am going to have to google it!

  2. Hey, just reading your blog for the first time, you are on quite an adventure. Great manatee pic, I can tell it's not just a blob! Looking forward to updates. -Carli in Kent
