Wednesday, March 23, 2011

*$#*%$ Bugs

Yesterday was a nice day.  I went into Alabama early, but didn't take a picture of the sign since I would only be there for a couple hours.  It would be insignificant.  Turned out, I was there longer and it was one of the prettiest places so far.  Full of spring flowers and beautiful southern homes.  Straight out of the movies and books.  I thought we had some big, pretty homes in So Cal, but these were spectacular.  And the grounds were immaculately landscaped.  The streets were shaded by large, moss covered trees.  It was as if you were in a garden. If it weren't for the heat and bugs....

Then on into Pensacola, Florida.  I should be in Florida for a good amount of time, so I took a picture of their sign coming into the state.  Found a nice campground that was an extension of the one from the night before.  The Gulf Islands National Seashore.  I hoped to spend a couple nights there, but they only had one available for the one's Spring Break...still...again.  The people in camp were very nice and friendly.  Almost hard to get away from one lady who cornered me in the shower room.  The area was beautiful with white sand beaches and grasses.  There had even been surf at Pensacola beach that morning.  I was hoping to catch a wave the next morning.

Some people are having fun
Most interesting house
But when I got up today it was a whole different ballgame.  I got eaten alive by bugs the night before and the itching kept waking me up.  I didn't spend any time in town because of the kids all over.  As I started to drive east, all I could think about was the horrible itching.  It sure put me in a foul mood.  I still saw some cool stuff, but didn't enjoy it as much as I could have.  Didn't hardly take any pictures all day.  Kept thinking...what the hell was I thinking.  I was getting real close to chucking the whole trip and going home.  Not looking forward to more bugs and bites.  Then I met the coolest local guy.  A real "good ol boy" who told me the bugs were sand fleas.  The locals call them "awl jalls".  (all jaws).  Nothing will keep them from biting.  They live in the beautiful white sand and become a problem only at certain times of the year.  Just my luck with timing.  Right in the middle of spring break and the height of the bug season.  Just about then, I got into a bit different coast line and finally found a place to stay.  I didn't get into the campground I wanted, which turned into a good thing since that would put me back in the way of those f'ing bugs.  I'm ready to stay in one place for a couple days and do something fun, like fishing, or snorkling, or diving.  Hoping tomorrow will be better.  At least, I won't itch as much...I hope.

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