Sunday, March 20, 2011


We left New Orleans this morning.  I fooled the Garmin and managed to find the coastal route to Biloxi.  I don't know what I'd do without that gadget.  It mostly comes in handy when I wander off the beaten path and wander through housing areas (they don't really have what we call Tracts.  Their houses are more individual than we have at home.)   It {Garmin}will always get me back to the main road with minimal hassle and I can see whats going on around me, like other roads, rivers, parks, etc. and avoid dead ends where I'd have to turn that tralier around.  More than once I've changed route to something I saw nearby that looked interesting.  One thing I have discovered about this trip; my desire is more to observe than participate.  I'm happy driving or walking around and seeing what's going on out there.  That kind of follows with my love of photography.  We are observers.  Not that I've had much to take pictures of.  Seems like there is never a place to pull over when I see something good, or I am in camp in the am and pm when the light is good.  Most of the time there has been that flat, bright light of mid day. 

Shrimp boats in the harbor
I've seen many signs that the hurricane Katrina rebuild is still going on.  I even saw a couple FEMA trailers still up. I know they are FEMA because it was written on the side.  It seems like the poor have had a much slower time of rebuilding.  And then they had the oil spill.  The only sign I saw of the spill was a couple billboards that mentioned it.  Most of the damage from that seems to be in the income of the people. 

Ocean front house taken from the moving car

 It's hard to judge what the real people live like since I was mostly along the coast.  Just like at home, the houses seen from the road were very large.  Only the rich can live near any waterfront it seems. 

They love their trucks and fishing

I found a wonderful national park to spend tonight and tomorrow in.  Then I will wander inland and see how the rest of the state lives.  The normal people.

As to how it is traveling's different than if I was with someone.  Not better or worse, just different.  There is a lot to be said about both ways.  I have met more people being alone than I would have otherwise and I've been able to be horribly selfish and do exactly what I want, when I want.  When I see something I'd really like to share, I can take a picture of it.  But, it would also be nice to have someone around to share things with in the moment.  The bottom line;  I haven't been feeling lonely.  If I want company, I've been able to find it.  Mostly though, I've enjoyed the solitude.  Put one way, I've done New Orleans as half of a couple and had a great time.  I also did it with my dog and had a good time.  Both ways were good.  Just different.  I'm glad I had the chance to do it both ways.

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