Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Almost Ready

Cash and I have had our haircuts and are almost ready.  Today I will finish packing up the truck and getting the last of the stuff for the trailer.  Broken up by bowling and dinner with a friend. That pretty much leaves this am to finish up.  The plan is to check out the surf in the morning.  If it is good, I will hit the waves then leave.  If not, I will just leave.  And so it will begin.  I'm getting more excited about it.  I was a little unsure for awhile, wondering what the hell I was thinking.  There could be a lot of really boring days and nights.  But I am bringing along movies and books and other stuff to keep me occupied when the weather sucks.  Can't wait to see what the south of our country offers.  First up is the desert (yuck).  Hopefully there will be a lot of wildflowers to take pictures of to help break up the long drive to San Antonio.  I'm not sure where I will spend the first night.  I do plan on stopping by slab city, maybe staying there.  But then that's the plan for the whole trip....playing it by ear.  My next post will be from...somewhere in the south.

1 comment:

  1. Very formal pic of you and Cash...haircuts looking nice for the road :) Enjoy your trip and most of all travel SAFE! Have to head into Seattle later today, will try giving you a call while on the road.
    Love you
