Saturday, March 19, 2011

Left Galveston

What horrible timing.  The town was loaded with kids and families on Spring Break.Reminded me of Huntington Beach during the 4th of July.  We took a long walk on the beach before getting back into the town proper from the  rv park at the south end of the island where we stayed.  By the time you got up to the main part of town, you couldn't even drive down the street.  So I stopped at Wal-Mart and got some more supplies and a pedicure.  I really needed one.  My feet are so dry and cracking from that time in the desert.  I'm in socks with Vaseline as I write this

Near the rv camp where we took a walk.  NOT the town

 The majority of the rest of the day was spent in line trying to get on the ferry from Galveston to the next island.

God damn mosquitoes.  They finally showed I was writing this.  I've been leaving the door open with no problem, but suddenly I got a couple bites and looked up, and there were a dozen or so inside the trailer.   Had to take time off to go on a mosquito hunt.  Think I got most of the buggers.  I guess I will live with bug spray on me the rest of the trip.  I was really hoping I was too early in the year for them to be so active.
Beach house.  Along the coast of both islands, they were all on stilts.  And mostly separated by large lots.

I'm in Winnie, Texas at an rv park right off the 10.  For all they don't have here, showers, toilets, laundry, I should have stayed at the truck stop next door and saved the money.  It's just a parking lot behind a motel. 

Off to New Orleans tomorrow.

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