Wednesday, March 16, 2011

At Bastrop State Park

I left San Antonio on the 15th headed to Austin.  I'm enjoying the driving part much more now.  The countryside is different than what I'm used to and it gives clues to how the people live in this part of the country.  I keep taking side roads to see more than what the freeways can offer.  Takes longer to get there, but that's the point.

I had to go by Sandra Bullock's place in downtown Austin.  What an interesting downtown area.  Very old looking with a lot of eating places and shops. It had a feel of being very old, and very trendy at the same time.  With it being spring break, it was crawling with kids and there was some large concert going on which aided in bringing them out in droves.  I tried a picture while driving down very narrow crowded streets (a bit stressful with the trailer), but had the sepia on for some reason on my phone camera.  That's why Sandy's place is weird looking.  We then headed over to Lady Bird Lake with a very nice trail and wonderful views of downtown.  The whole over all feel of Austin is very nice.  Like all towns, it has it's bad neighborhoods, but over all, I liked it very much.  At least what I saw in my short time there.

We ended up the day at a campground in Bastrop state park.  I couldn't believe how nice it was.  Texas has sure fooled me with all it's lakes, creeks, rivers and even pine trees.  It's a much prettier, nicer state than I gave it credit for.  With very nice people.  I had a bit of electrical trouble with the trailer, and one of the guys camped nearby spent a bit of time helping me fix it.  Everyone I've met has been very friendly and helpful.

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