Monday, March 14, 2011

Finally feeling Better

I remember why I don't like to drink too much.  Most of today was not too much fun trying to nurse a hangover.  Tonight, at last, I feel almost normal again. And I have a good connection, so I'll catch up.

Someone got to sleep on the road.

We spent another long day on the road. Not much to see on that road.  Hardly anything to break up the drive or stop for.  Except this

The world's largest roadrunner.

Spent the night at a truck stop on Friday again.  Again talked to some interesting truckers.  Then headed up the road (120 miles) to San Antonio.  After so much desert, it got prettier.  Not that it takes much to get prettier.  Trees and rolling hills.  And the occasional creek.  And it got cooler.  Almost comfortable

Hopefully, the last of the road pics.

Pulled into the KOA in San Antonio.  Prices are higher this week, of course, because it's Spring Break!  Good timing on my part.  I had tried so hard to avoid it.  I thought it only happened around Easter.  I'll probably have to deal with it for the whole trip. 

When I went downtown to the Alamo and riverwalk, you would believe everyone took the week off.  The alamo was horribly crowded with a line around the block to get in and I had Cash anyway, so we just looked around the gardens.  I'm not that fond of museums anyway.  Much rather see the people and the countryside. 

Cash was a good boy on the walk down the river.  Heeled and never caused a problem.  Good to know for the rest of the trip in case I have to play the "service dog" card.  I feel like the trip is really just getting started.  I got through the desert and now can check out interesting places and people.  I'm starting to slow down and not feel so rushed, even though I never have much to feel rushed about.   I'm doing much better at living in the moment.  That said, after spending the night here again, I'm off to Austin tomorrow.  Supposed to be a pretty town.


  1. I think your picture taking is on par with your 35MM days. Nice shot of the fountain...I almost walked into that one once. It's a good thing that that river is only waist deep in most places along the walk, Seen a guy that fell in by Dick's Last Resort. I'll check in from time to time. Be safe.

  2. You didn't miss much with the is not as impressive as one would have imagined! Love Riverwalk though...would love to go back sometime!
