Saturday, March 26, 2011


Yesterday I went to Manatee Springs State Park.  And no....that's not where I saw the manatee.  It was a really pretty park, however, with a beautiful very deep spring that brings scuba divers from all over.  I found out there are thousands of freshwater springs in Florida that feed the numerous rivers.  Water everywhere in this part of the country.  I can see how a hurricane or even a hard rain could flood half the place out.

One of 18 we saw in one day

 There were several deer in the park.  I've seen quite a few deer in the southern sates, which surprised me, but I guess that's what all those guys are hunting.  Cash didn't know what to make of them, barking and  growling at first, but finally just settled down and watched them with great intensity.

We didn't do much of anything all day.  A couple short hikes, and spent the rest of the day resting.  Enjoying the down time at first, then getting bored.  I've discovered you can get bored doing anything.  I've seen so many forests, springs, rivers, and beach fronts that I'm getting a bit bored of the whole thing.  I also am missing home and the people there.  And my normal life.  And I'm not at all happy with the pictures I've taken or the opportunities to take them.

Rumored to be John Travolta's new place
At any rate, today was better after a rocky start.  Drove down the road which is lined with more trees (boring)  till I got to Crystal River where several people had sworn you would get to see a manatee.  And they were right.  I took a river cruise for an hour and we saw a couple.  And I signed up to snorkel with that same group and the manatees tomorrow morning.  There are sure a lot of nice homes on that river.  And some actual mansions.  It would be a wonderful place to live, again, except for the bugs and humidity.  Had the chance to meet several interesting people today also.  Got a lot of tips on things to see and tours to take between here and Key West.  Between the cruise and the new people and the stuff to look forward too, I'm back to feeling positive about this whole thing again.  It's been kind of up and down the last couple days.  Mostly up, but sometimes there is too much time to think. is a manatee...his nose at least

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