Thursday, March 31, 2011

Key Largo

Everglades off the road before the rain
First 20 miles of Everglades
3/29       Well....the plan for the everglades didn't go as planned.  It turned out to be very hot, wet, and crowded.  I went over on the 41 with plans to stay in Everglade City after having researched and found out there were several places to camp.  Turned out that wasn't the case.  There was no place to stay.  And all the air boat rides I saw early on didn't have any shade where I could park the truck and leave Cash in it.  I didn't dare leave him in the car in that hot sun.  And the same case with the tram in the national park visitor center.  So I kept driving looking for shade (did I mention it was very hot)  then it started to pour down rain.  So hard you could barely see to drive.  I gave up at that point and decided to drive on down to the keys and do the everglades on the way back up.  I ended up being very lucky to get a campsite in John Pennekamp coral reef state park.  Very cool place with lots to do.  Supposed to be one of the best places in the keys for snorkeling and diving.  I went to the beach at the park to snorkel before bed, and it wasn't all that great.  Mostly grassy with a few fish.  Apparently you have to get a boat to the reef to see anything very good.

I didn't kayak, but this is what the area looked like.
3/30    I messed around in the morning, straightening up, groceries, etc. It's so hot and humid here I've started using the air conditioner in the trailer, but that just makes it feel worse when you get outside.  The heat and humidity makes me lazy too.  I don't even want to go take pictures, walk or much of anything. 

A walk through the mangroves
I was able to leave Cash in the afternoon, in the trailer with the air on, and go on the glass-bottom boat trip.  It was nice and kept me a little cooler.  The seas were running 3 to 5 feet, so it was a bit rough and we had lots of people hanging off the rails.  I hung out with a couple from Colorado who were here for a few days to warm up.  I was looking at scuba diving, but because the wind was high and the seas rough, they canceled the trip today.  I'm going snorkeling in the morning even if the wind is up, which is what they expect.

The connection is intermittent here, so I watched a movie, read and went to sleep.  That's seems to be the normal evening.  The days are all different, but the nights are the same.

Monday, March 28, 2011

More Manatee!!

After a couple iffy days, and some encouraging words from a couple friends and family, I'm back to enjoying myself tremendously again.  I guess no matter what's going on in your life, you will have up days and down days.  I'm glad to be back in the up stage. 

Not our boat, but like it
I took the snorkel trip yesterday morning.  I had to leave Cash in the trailer at the park and, boy, did I feel guilty.  Not guilty enough to spoil the trip, however. It was a beautiful day again, but, there weren't many manatees to be seen.  In keeping with my timing, they had left to go to the gulf a couple weeks earlier.  I just missed them.  We still got in the water a few times and did get to see a couple where their noses broke water or there was a brown blob in the water.  There was a really nice couple from England on the boat, also.  We talked a lot about the differences in the two countries which helped pass some of the time when we didn't see anything.
The rest of the manatee

My first Flamingo
After the boat trip, I went back and got Cash (yes..of course he was fine)  and we headed down the road a bit to Homosassa Spring State Park.  It is a bit like a zoo where they rescue manatees and some of the other indigenous animals in the area.  So I finally got to see what a whole manatee looks like.  There was an underwater viewing room and I took this picture, only to realize later it was the kid from England that was on the snorkle trip.  I had to leave Cash in a kennel (really just a cage) at the park since the truck was too hot.  More guilt! But the fun I had made up for it.

Underwater manatee
Stayed in a KOA at St. Petersburg for the night.  At $80 a night!!  It's true I guess the farther south you go the more it costs.  Key west will be about the same price.  The good news, there is plenty of camp space available at Key West.  Spring break is over and some of the snow birds are leaving!!  Finally. 

We had quite a thunder storm in the night.  It was exciting.  A nice change and helped cool things off...for awhile.

I drove a few hours today after a leisurely morning doing laundry, showering and generally cleaning things up.  I always end up chatting with some of the people in the rv parks.  These snow birds are friendly people and it's nice to talk to someone for a bit.  Only one picture from today.  That is the giant statue of a couple kissing in the Sarasota marina. I believe it is from that famous picture from after the war. Quite a shock to see as you come around the corner. 

I and got to Sanibel Island around 3 and was hoping to stay a couple days, but didn't count on what it was like there.  Beautiful place, but very upscale touristy and crowded.  Again, there were some mansion sized homes on that island with amazing landscaping.  There seems to be a lot of money along the gulf.  And they didn't have anywhere on the island to stay in the trailer and nothing very near by.  So we drove around the island and got a good look at it at least.  No where to park either.  They charge for parking everywhere, if you can find a place with the trailer.  The best way to see the island is fly in, stay at one of the resorts for a few days.  Then it would be perfect getaway place.

Headed on down the road and found a place to stay finally.  Now, as I write this, the rain and wind has started again.  At least it waits till I'm in the trailer.  That was it just adds ambiance.  Off to the Everglades tomorrow.  Now that's exciting.

Saturday, March 26, 2011


Yesterday I went to Manatee Springs State Park.  And no....that's not where I saw the manatee.  It was a really pretty park, however, with a beautiful very deep spring that brings scuba divers from all over.  I found out there are thousands of freshwater springs in Florida that feed the numerous rivers.  Water everywhere in this part of the country.  I can see how a hurricane or even a hard rain could flood half the place out.

One of 18 we saw in one day

 There were several deer in the park.  I've seen quite a few deer in the southern sates, which surprised me, but I guess that's what all those guys are hunting.  Cash didn't know what to make of them, barking and  growling at first, but finally just settled down and watched them with great intensity.

We didn't do much of anything all day.  A couple short hikes, and spent the rest of the day resting.  Enjoying the down time at first, then getting bored.  I've discovered you can get bored doing anything.  I've seen so many forests, springs, rivers, and beach fronts that I'm getting a bit bored of the whole thing.  I also am missing home and the people there.  And my normal life.  And I'm not at all happy with the pictures I've taken or the opportunities to take them.

Rumored to be John Travolta's new place
At any rate, today was better after a rocky start.  Drove down the road which is lined with more trees (boring)  till I got to Crystal River where several people had sworn you would get to see a manatee.  And they were right.  I took a river cruise for an hour and we saw a couple.  And I signed up to snorkel with that same group and the manatees tomorrow morning.  There are sure a lot of nice homes on that river.  And some actual mansions.  It would be a wonderful place to live, again, except for the bugs and humidity.  Had the chance to meet several interesting people today also.  Got a lot of tips on things to see and tours to take between here and Key West.  Between the cruise and the new people and the stuff to look forward too, I'm back to feeling positive about this whole thing again.  It's been kind of up and down the last couple days.  Mostly up, but sometimes there is too much time to think. is a manatee...his nose at least

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Much Better Now

Today went much better.  The itching is under control thanks to some cortisone cream.  I now have 4 different methods of lessening the itching.  I might be able to make it after all. 

Headed over to Wakulla Springs State Park this morning.  They have some really nice parks in this state.  I seem to be drawn to the parks more than the cities and towns.  The cities all seem the same.  They have a lot of the same chain stores and restaurants all over the country, so it can be hard to tell one from the other. 

When we got to the park, Cash and I took a nice hike through the forest. Part boardwalk, part path.  The area seemed fairly dry, which was probably a good thing for me....less bugs.

Then I left Cash in the car while I took a trip on the riverboat.   I very much enjoyed the hour trip.  Beautiful with bald cypress covered with Spanish moss and lots of wildlife.  Turtles, birds, and the occasional alligator.  One gator even had the remains of a deer by the waters edge. 

There certainly do seem to be a lot of those guys around.  The gators I mean.  I am being sure to keep Cash on a leash even when there are no people around in case he decides to go investigate a poisonous snake or a gator.  And they have bear around here too, which surprised me. 

They have manatees in this river, but only in the winter.  Now my goal is to see a manatee.  I noticed on the net you might be able to snorkle with one!  Have to check that out for sure.

Pulled into a KOA in Perry for the night.  Having trouble getting into campgrounds in the parks.  Still high season I guess.  What with the snow birds and spring break.  Friendly people in camp again, except for the neighbors who had a real screaming match in the trailer next to me.  Made me glad I'm alone.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

*$#*%$ Bugs

Yesterday was a nice day.  I went into Alabama early, but didn't take a picture of the sign since I would only be there for a couple hours.  It would be insignificant.  Turned out, I was there longer and it was one of the prettiest places so far.  Full of spring flowers and beautiful southern homes.  Straight out of the movies and books.  I thought we had some big, pretty homes in So Cal, but these were spectacular.  And the grounds were immaculately landscaped.  The streets were shaded by large, moss covered trees.  It was as if you were in a garden. If it weren't for the heat and bugs....

Then on into Pensacola, Florida.  I should be in Florida for a good amount of time, so I took a picture of their sign coming into the state.  Found a nice campground that was an extension of the one from the night before.  The Gulf Islands National Seashore.  I hoped to spend a couple nights there, but they only had one available for the one's Spring Break...still...again.  The people in camp were very nice and friendly.  Almost hard to get away from one lady who cornered me in the shower room.  The area was beautiful with white sand beaches and grasses.  There had even been surf at Pensacola beach that morning.  I was hoping to catch a wave the next morning.

Some people are having fun
Most interesting house
But when I got up today it was a whole different ballgame.  I got eaten alive by bugs the night before and the itching kept waking me up.  I didn't spend any time in town because of the kids all over.  As I started to drive east, all I could think about was the horrible itching.  It sure put me in a foul mood.  I still saw some cool stuff, but didn't enjoy it as much as I could have.  Didn't hardly take any pictures all day.  Kept thinking...what the hell was I thinking.  I was getting real close to chucking the whole trip and going home.  Not looking forward to more bugs and bites.  Then I met the coolest local guy.  A real "good ol boy" who told me the bugs were sand fleas.  The locals call them "awl jalls".  (all jaws).  Nothing will keep them from biting.  They live in the beautiful white sand and become a problem only at certain times of the year.  Just my luck with timing.  Right in the middle of spring break and the height of the bug season.  Just about then, I got into a bit different coast line and finally found a place to stay.  I didn't get into the campground I wanted, which turned into a good thing since that would put me back in the way of those f'ing bugs.  I'm ready to stay in one place for a couple days and do something fun, like fishing, or snorkling, or diving.  Hoping tomorrow will be better.  At least, I won't itch as much...I hope.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Still in Mississippi

I so enjoyed the campsite I found yesterday at Davis Bayou in the Gulf Islands National Seashore that I decided to spend an extra day here.  It has it all.  Electric, water, internet access via my phone, privacy, large campsites, pretty setting, cheap ($8 a night  because I'm a senior citizen), toilets and showers.   The last of those I really needed.  What with the sweating from the warm, humid weather, and the bugs pray I have to keep on at all times.  Good thing I stuck around because I noticed Cash has gunk in his ear.  I took him to a local vet and he does have an ear infection.  Cockers are well know for them.  They cleaned him out and gave me some medicine.  There went an extra $82.  Made up for what I saved on the camping. 

Check out what you get for the price

After some routine household stuff and the vet visit, we took a drive inland looking for "normal" people.  What we found was a lot of very large houses on acreage.  We didn't get more than 20 miles inland, but that's still all we saw.  Kind of makes you want to live here, till you remember what the summers are like.  Then I decide my place in Seal is still my favorite spot. 

We got back early and took a long hike through the bayou area here, most of which was on the road and through some nature trails.  I am so excited!  I saw my first alligator!  They really do live around here.  Somehow, it all seemed like it was made up for the movies, like they weren't real.  But then I've seen so many interesting, funny, sad things around here that are just like all the cliche things you've ever heard about the south.  Cool to see they are real too.  I just hope I can remember enough of them.

 It's spring here and there are little white flowers everywhere along with the azaleas and wisteria.  The trees are starting to turn green again.  In a couple months the vines and moss will be everywhere.  Pretty place.

Bayou fishing

The way I spend my evenings depends on whether I have internet access or not.  What a slave to technology I've become.  If I have access, I do my blog while listening to the radio.  Smooth jazz.  Then I will catch up on some of my TV shows while I knit.  If I don't have access, I sort out my pictures and watch one of the movies Joan loaned me on that player I bought, and knit. Then I read till I fall asleep. Same as at home practically.  I was a bit concerned before leaving home how the evenings would go, but it's working out fine.  Thank god for technology!!

Sunday, March 20, 2011


We left New Orleans this morning.  I fooled the Garmin and managed to find the coastal route to Biloxi.  I don't know what I'd do without that gadget.  It mostly comes in handy when I wander off the beaten path and wander through housing areas (they don't really have what we call Tracts.  Their houses are more individual than we have at home.)   It {Garmin}will always get me back to the main road with minimal hassle and I can see whats going on around me, like other roads, rivers, parks, etc. and avoid dead ends where I'd have to turn that tralier around.  More than once I've changed route to something I saw nearby that looked interesting.  One thing I have discovered about this trip; my desire is more to observe than participate.  I'm happy driving or walking around and seeing what's going on out there.  That kind of follows with my love of photography.  We are observers.  Not that I've had much to take pictures of.  Seems like there is never a place to pull over when I see something good, or I am in camp in the am and pm when the light is good.  Most of the time there has been that flat, bright light of mid day. 

Shrimp boats in the harbor
I've seen many signs that the hurricane Katrina rebuild is still going on.  I even saw a couple FEMA trailers still up. I know they are FEMA because it was written on the side.  It seems like the poor have had a much slower time of rebuilding.  And then they had the oil spill.  The only sign I saw of the spill was a couple billboards that mentioned it.  Most of the damage from that seems to be in the income of the people. 

Ocean front house taken from the moving car

 It's hard to judge what the real people live like since I was mostly along the coast.  Just like at home, the houses seen from the road were very large.  Only the rich can live near any waterfront it seems. 

They love their trucks and fishing

I found a wonderful national park to spend tonight and tomorrow in.  Then I will wander inland and see how the rest of the state lives.  The normal people.

As to how it is traveling's different than if I was with someone.  Not better or worse, just different.  There is a lot to be said about both ways.  I have met more people being alone than I would have otherwise and I've been able to be horribly selfish and do exactly what I want, when I want.  When I see something I'd really like to share, I can take a picture of it.  But, it would also be nice to have someone around to share things with in the moment.  The bottom line;  I haven't been feeling lonely.  If I want company, I've been able to find it.  Mostly though, I've enjoyed the solitude.  Put one way, I've done New Orleans as half of a couple and had a great time.  I also did it with my dog and had a good time.  Both ways were good.  Just different.  I'm glad I had the chance to do it both ways.

The Big Easy

Small house with big flowers
For all the last couple days were not that great, today was just fun.  It was productive, fun, and restful all in the same day.  And the weather was great, if a bit warm.  Got things cleaned up this morning (me and the trailer and the laundry), then headed into town.  We got lost a good deal over the day, but what a great way to see the town.  I will say New Orleans seems to have the best of the best, and the worst of the worst.  Some of the areas were just georgeous with beautiful, large homes on tree lined streets with all the azaleas blooming and some of the areas were horrible with boarded up, trashed hovels.  I went into the hurricane damaged area a bit, but felt really uncomfortable. Like a voyeur, so I didn't stay long. 

Jambalaya...way better than I make
Cash and I had the best time in the French Quarter.  The tourists have come back in droves.  An awful lot of people for this time of year (or any time).  I found a dog friendly place to have lunch thanks to a local that stopped to talk.  A lot of people stopped to talk because of the dog.  I never knew so many had buff cockers at home.  He sure is a good conversation starter.  He was really good walking the streets too.  Good company. 

We (and a lot of others) had a seat  in the shade, on the steps of the courthouse to watch a street band play.  They had several pieces, a girl singer, and two dancers.  Cajun, jazz.  Great.  So even in the daytime, with the dog, I got to enjoy a piece of New Orleans.  That was just enough, actually.  At this stage of my life, I can't take all that heat, noise, and commotion for very long before I long for peace and quiet. Which I got back at camp.  The evening was mild and calm.  And I selpt better than I have so far on the trip.  All in all, a great day.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Finally made it to Nawlins

Left Winnie behind and took a side trip down to Port Arthur and Sabine Pass.  Port Arthur is an oil refinery town.  Not much to say about it.  There is a nice state park and wildlife preserve down at the bottom though.  Took a nice long walk on the boardwalk and saw several birds we have at home as well as some we never see there. 

The roseate spoonbill gave me quite a thrill. I would have loved to have had a longer lens and more patience so I could try to get a better picture.  Between the sun and the dog, I got what I got.

Drove from there into Louisiana.  Finally out of Texas!  Stopped at the welcome center/rest stop right after the state line and it was one of the most beautiful rest stops I've seen.  It even had a lake.  Being way out of town,though, they must not have had any mosquito abatement.  Once again, the little buggers devoured me.  I guess that's what you get when you are out of the desert.  Be careful what you wish for.

I decided to go ahead make a run straight into New Orleans on the 10.  Big mistake.  The traffic was horrendous.  Worse than I've seen even in LA in a long time.  Stop and go for over 20 miles before, into and after Baton Rouge. By the time I arrived at the KOA campground in New Orleans, I really needed a glass of wine.  Fortunately, I had some nice neighbors, again, who were more than happy to share a glass with me.  These RV'ers do like their booze.  I had sprayed the trailer and surrounding area with some cedar stuff a friend had given me that kept away the mosquitoes, and we sat outside and enjoyed the wonderful night air with a glass (or two) of wine.

Left Galveston

What horrible timing.  The town was loaded with kids and families on Spring Break.Reminded me of Huntington Beach during the 4th of July.  We took a long walk on the beach before getting back into the town proper from the  rv park at the south end of the island where we stayed.  By the time you got up to the main part of town, you couldn't even drive down the street.  So I stopped at Wal-Mart and got some more supplies and a pedicure.  I really needed one.  My feet are so dry and cracking from that time in the desert.  I'm in socks with Vaseline as I write this

Near the rv camp where we took a walk.  NOT the town

 The majority of the rest of the day was spent in line trying to get on the ferry from Galveston to the next island.

God damn mosquitoes.  They finally showed I was writing this.  I've been leaving the door open with no problem, but suddenly I got a couple bites and looked up, and there were a dozen or so inside the trailer.   Had to take time off to go on a mosquito hunt.  Think I got most of the buggers.  I guess I will live with bug spray on me the rest of the trip.  I was really hoping I was too early in the year for them to be so active.
Beach house.  Along the coast of both islands, they were all on stilts.  And mostly separated by large lots.

I'm in Winnie, Texas at an rv park right off the 10.  For all they don't have here, showers, toilets, laundry, I should have stayed at the truck stop next door and saved the money.  It's just a parking lot behind a motel. 

Off to New Orleans tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

In Galveston

Before leaving the park, we took a nice hike through the woods by the campground.  I'm still blown away by how unlike my prior vision of Texas it is. 

Cash in his favorite spot in the backseat
We're working into a nice little routine.  I guess we need them no matter what.  There is comfort in routine.  Wake with the sun, make coffee, go pee, close up the trailer and head off.  Have lunch on the road:  the last couple days at good Texas bar-b-que places.  Enjoy the changing countryside.  Stop at interesting places, look for a place to spend the night, set up the trailer, eat dinner, walk, download pictures, do the blog, read and sleep.  If no internet, I watch a movie.  Different each day, but a lot the same.  No complaints so far. 

Drove straight through Houston.  Had to go through downtown.  Much like other large cities.  Heavy traffic, the stores are all the same as at home.  Drivers tend to be more polite though.  I'm more interested in the countrysides than the big cities anyway. 

Had time to take this on the freeway

I will have to go back that way to get out of here.  Here being Galveston.  I lucked out finding a place to stay tonight.  A nice man at an RV park let me park on his grass.  For a fee of course.  He didn't have any places left, but let me stay anyway.  Spring Break, remember?  I don't think I'll need to stay longer anyway.  I was hoping to surf, but there isn't any.  And the jellyfish are abundant.  They might be worse than stingrays.

By the way, the weather has been pleasanter.  Cloudy in the morning, burning off to sunny skies by noon.  Temps in the low 70's.  I've had on shorts and t-shirts most of the time.  Can you imagine what summer must be like?  I heard "brutal".